My Story...
Hi, I am Josie! Welcome to my website!
I’m a Spiritual Educator, Medium, and Angelic Messenger. I am here to bring light and messages from the spirit world. My energy is healing and uplifting to those whose lives I touch.
Mediumship and spirituality wasn’t my area of interest. Up until my twenties, I was a good Catholic girl, who stayed away from all "satanic" road-side palm readers, mediums and, shamans. I loved Angels, God, and my church community. However, as I was getting older, I started to look for the deeper meaning of life. I began to question everything, read books on spirituality, study with masters of other religions. The more I learned, the more questions I needed answers to.
In 2003, my family was struck by unexpected tragedy. My father was killed in a car crash.
He was a great dad.
After his departure, my life took a different turn into the world of spirit communication. At that time, I was looking for healing from grief. By the Divine Grace, I met the Medium who connected me with my Dad! For the first time, I realized that life does not end on the physical plane and death is just a transition.

That realization was the medicine that healed my soul.
Soon after, I began the search for teachers, psychics, mediums, and healers, who knew more about after life than me. I asked them questions; I traveled the world to study with the best of them.
I did it for myself. I simply needed to know the truth about questions that always bothered my mind.
I also realized that psychic and mediumship abilities could be developed through practice, patience, and persistence!
In 2007 I started to receive daily messages from the spirit world and see Spirit energies around me. I was never scared of them! I felt like I tapped into something magical on the other side. Many people heard of my abilities and started to ask me for readings.
Eventually, I took this work as my soul's calling and left my successful career as a nurse to pursue mediumship full-time.
With my love for Angels since I was a child, it just made everything easier as I work closely with them every day. Angels are channeling messages and healing energy through me. I'm Blessed to be able to bring more and more people to them through my videos.
I run a busy one-on-one client practice, helping people to find spiritual solutions to their problems with the guidance from Angels and Spirits.
I also do a daily video blog on my Angel YouTube Channel with almost 21 000 000 views from all over the world.
Now I am here to share my mediumship skills and teachings with the world.
Love and Gratitude,
Josie XO